गॄहित्वा अर्ध्यं तनोर्वायुः सिराः स्नायूर्विशोष्य च !
पक्षमन्यतरं हन्ति संधिबंधान्विमोक्षयत !!
कृत्स्नो अर्धकायस्तस्यं स्यादकर्मण्यो विचेतनः !
एकांगरोगं तं केचिदन्ये पक्षवधं विदुः !
सर्वांगरोगस्तव्द्च्च सर्वकायाश्रिते अनिले !! माधव निदान/वातव्याधी/ ३९ ते ४१
Due to today’s day to day life style and diet, the vata dosha is increased at most causing dryness in (vatavahinya) nerves and muscles of one or more part of body. The affected part becomes dried, the joints and there supports become lose. With this The Prana vayu which helps to control the sense of body becomes dysfunctional and even arms and legs with pelvis become dysfunctional. This also causes incontinence of urine and stool and also slurred speech.
Paralysis is defined as loss of ability to move one or more muscles in the body .It may be associated with loss of feeling and other bodily functions .It is a condition in which patient is unable to move or feel all over or part of his body i.e. complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the motion or sensation of part of body.
Paralysis is not caused by problem in the muscles, it is caused by the nerves or spinal cord dysfunction .The controlling is done by nervous system in body, therefore a person with paralysis will usually have some form of nerve damage.
When one limb in body is paralyzed.
Where one arm and leg of one side of body is paralyzed.
Both legs and sometimes pelvis are paralyzed.
Both arms and legs are paralyzed.
1. Stroke causes when blood supply to part of brain is cut off.
2. Head injury.
3. Spinal cord injury.
Virechan is means daily purgation which decreases vata and helps to do its normal functions.
In Paralysis (पक्षाघात) steaming (svedanam) with sneha virechanam is first line of treatment with supportive vataghna medicine and other panchakarma like snehanam, basti, nasya, lepam and shirodhara, which also Collaborate with Physiotherapy and Yoga-Pranayam.
Ayurvedic massage by specially prepared medicated oil which reduces Vata Dosha. Mainly effective as muscle relaxant and strengthening muscle power. It also helps in empowering the stimulation of nervous system.
Steam of medicinal plants which improves blood circulation and helps in absorption of the medicated oil towards the affected part.
This is the best and basic treatment to be given in ayurveda. In this process medicated oils and decoctions are been inserted though anus which help in decrease vata dosha and gives vata its normal functions.
Administration of ayurvedic drugs by the roots of nasal cavity which stimulates the brain.
Letting out blood by leech helps in instant pain relief and also increases blood circulation.
Administration of ayurvedic drugs by the roots of nasal cavity which stimulates the brain.
Tropical application of various medicinal plants is known as lepa. It helps in strengthening the muscles and helps in getting back the sensation of affected part.
Shirodhara works primarily on the mental sheath or “manomay kosha” as it is referred to in Ayurveda. Shirodhara Traditionally used to clam the nerves helps vata to constitute ,restore the nerves, release stored emotions and purify mind. It is ultimate mental and emotional relaxation therapy. Beneficial for many diseases of the nervous system like nerve disorders, facial palsy, paralysis and ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids.
Electrotherapy helps stimulating the nerves and muscles. Strengthening exercise helps to strengthen the weak muscle group and get total cure.
The total treatment of panchakarma and therapy requires 10 to 30 days depending on severity of the disease. Internal medicines are for 5 to 6 months as per the patients and disease.
Above information is not by any referral book or text book. This is our act to give our experienced information about health to a common man in his own language.
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